Sunday, November 25, 2007

a hobbit walking song

A Hobbit Walking Song

The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far from sight the Road has gone
And I must follow if I can.
Leading away from safer ground
Into the wild lands unknown.
By innocence no longer bound,
But faithfulness not my own.

Past river and marsh and dell and field
On green of hill and under sky,
Wide-eyed wonder is now my shield
Against lonely night and murderous eye.
At times I travel on weary feet
Seeking the peace of the coming dawn.
But if darkness perchance to meet,
The Road continues on and on.

All thoughts of home I've cast away,
Shed from my soul the cloak of youth.
The Path Less Traveled is where I stay,
In search of wisdom found in truth.
May it prove Friend or Foe,
The Road will only show the way.
The Hell and back I'll proudly go;
And whither then? I cannot say.

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